February 20, 2012

and then there were 5...

That's right!

Baby Box is due to arrive October 3rd!
We are all very excited!
{Camp and Enock keep asking when
the baby can come out of my tummy and play. : )}

I wanted to have a fun picture for you guys but
with morning sickness and all 4 of us having colds,
a cute picture just hasn't been in the cards.
I am sure that many pictures are to come.

Have a great Monday!


February 18, 2012

what we've been up to...

It's been so long since I've posted.
It feels so good to be writing right now.
Let me catch you up on what we've been up to.
Then... I will let you know what's coming this week!

First of all, I had much to write about this week, but both boys and I were under the weather. We spend our days cuddling, watching movies, and taking naps together.

Although I felt very unproductive, and I hate feeling unproductive, I cherished how close we were. I loved that we spent days within arms reach of each other. Someday my boys will not want to cuddle with me when they feel bad. So I will absorb each and every one of these moments and not regret it one bit.

Last weekend Jake and I spend a couple of nights in a hotel downtown. We have getaways like this often, but specifically at the beginning of each year we set aside time to get away and reflect on the past year and set goals on the next. We LOVE this time together. I always tell young couples that this is one of the best things we do for our marriage. We both look forward to it and feel much more encouraged and on the same page as we walk through the next year.

This year, we planned our time away around A Future and A Hope Adoption Conference. Our best friends the Hengsts and the Hunts went to the conference with us and stayed downtown that last night so we could debrief the conference together.

It was a great conference. Especially for those beginning to think about adoption or foster care. Jake and I have been to conferences like this alone before, and it was a dream to have two of our closest friends sitting there with us. I love seeing their hearts grow for the orphan!

It's been cold and rainy here the past few days. I am loving my new print. I haven't found the perfect place for it just yet, but even still it makes me smile.

We are all still a bit under the weather over here, but I am hoping for a healthier week next week. I have some BIG blog plans people! I have TWO big announcements and have been inspired by a couple of good friends to do my very first vlog (video blog). I'm looking forward to sharing it all with you guys very soon!

p.s. I've had many comments on how badly I need a new banner at the top of my blog. I mean, the chair should be filled by now. Hang in there. We are working on getting a date set with our photographer and will have the new blog layout/chair photo coming soon. I haven't forgotten!

February 8, 2012

Enock's Birthday

First of all...
It feels so good to be writing once again!
Life in the Box house has been slightly out of control.
Good things, hard things and just those things that never go as planned.
I am sure I will write about some of these things soon, but not today.

Today... I get to tell you about one of the most memorable times in my life.

Enock's 3rd Birthday

Every mom gets sentimental around their children's birthdays.
It's one day a year that everything slows down and you get a chance to reflect on this little person that is growing up way too fast right before your eyes.
I love that we get one day a year to celebrate the people who mean the most to us.

This birthday was different though.
It had a whole new meaning to us.

This was the day that Enock turned 3 and had his very first birthday.

Words can not describe just how excited he was.
He ate up the fact that the day was about him.
Since his birthday was on a Thursday, we spent the day celebrating as a family.
We had family breakfast at Chick Fil A.
(Seriously, the boy loves chicken. If this was all we did he would have been thrilled.)
Once Jake went to work I took the boys to pick out a birthday balloon for E and a "good brother" balloon for Camp.
That day we played hard, sang Happy Birthday more times than I can count and ended the day giving him his very own Buzz Lightyear and eating birthday cake.

I know it doesn't sound like much. But it was priceless.

Birthday party details became a bit disastrous.
The one thing he really wanted to do was ride the train at our local park.
His party was rained out on Saturday so we moved it to Monday.
Monday when we got there the train was not running.
As soon as we sat down to eat and open presents about 10,000 school kids came running off their buses and filled the area we were sitting in.
This caused us to pack up and walk about .5 a mile to another picnic table.

Let's just say it wasn't how this mamma had pictured his perfect birthday party.

BUT... he enjoyed every minute of it.
The party was for him.
His friends were there for him.
The presents were picked out just for him.
And we sang Happy Birthday, which at this point he had declared his favorite song. ; )

As I reflected on the past year
I didn't get to reminisce a years worth of memories with E.
Or think about how much he has grown up since his last birthday.
But I did get to think about this adoption process.
About all of the waiting.
All of the paperwork.
All of the longing for days like today.
I thought about when we first got to see his face.
That precious little face in the picture sent to us from his orphanage.
I thought about when we finally got to hold him in our arms.
All of the times we told him that we were his family and that we would love him forever.
The hard transition times, language barrier, first I love yous and hugs.
Even though I do not have 3 years worth of memories with E
I can still say he has grown up so much, and we have come so far.
I LOVE that these days are ours now.
We get to be the ones to celebrate him for the rest of his life.

This was a special birthday.
And I look forward to all of the ones ahead.


I love you sweet boy. I am so thankful that God gave us you. You are a precious blessing to us. You are a Box. I am so proud of you. You have been so brave with the many changes God has brought you through. You have been so open to let us love you and teach you what family means. You have been a good friend to your brother. I love your sensitive heart, your infectious laugh, and your big bright eyes. You give the best hugs and you give them often. We love you E and we will love you forever.
